Crested Butte Hot Tub Sales and Service sells Hot Spring Spas and offers long-term hot tub service and maintenance, hot tub repairs, and exceptional customer service. We also sell Finnleo Saunas!
Our store carries a wide range of water care products and hot tub accessories, including hot tub covers, lifters, and steps. Stop by 426 Belleview Avenue, Crested Butte or call 970-275-5700 for delivery.
Hot Tubs
Let us help find the spa that’s right for you. Do stop by our new Showroom to see the latest Hot Spring Spas. Explore health benefits and get your saltwater questions answered. Learn about our free consultations and site inspections.
We offer professional service and repair, long-term maintenance packages, saltwater expertise, commercial services, and hot tub relocation. We keep many parts on hand for emergency repairs on HotSpring and Dimension One Spas.
“CB Hot Tub makes remote ownership easy.”
Holiday and weekend hot tub service is available throughout the Gunnison Valley.